[Interest] QSslSocket with a self-signed certificate
Konstantin Shegunov
2018-11-22 12:09:38 UTC
I'm struggling to get an SSL connection established between a server and a
client of mine using a self-signed certificate. The SSL handshake fails but
I can't seem to find out why. Here's what I did:

For the server:

1) I generated a key and certificate.
2) I've set them to the socket like this:
3) I call QSslSocket::startServerEncryption to get the handshake rolling.

For the client:

1) I used the server's certificate and loaded it (verified it loads
2) I set it to the socket with QSslSocket::addCaCertificate.
3) I call QSslSocket::startClientEncryption.

The problem is the client drops the connection with
QAbstractSocket::SslHandshakeFailedError, however I get nothing from the
QSslSocket::sslErrors signal (also nada from the method).

I observed, however, that the client socket raises the
QSslSocket::preSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired for some reason. As I don't
really handle this one (only debug output) I imagine this is the reason the
handshake fails. Nonetheless, I thought a PSK authentication shouldn't be
required whenever I provide a key and a certificate server-side.

Any ideas why is this failing and how to solve it?

Thanks in advance!
Kind regards.
Mårten Nordheim
2018-11-22 16:10:28 UTC
Does it work if you call setProtocol(QSsl::TlsV1_2) on the client
socket/configuration before connecting?

The PSK emission you see sounds like OpenSSL 1.1.1 with TLS 1.3, but I
don't think it should fail the handshake, or at least don't remember
seeing it do that.

- Mårten
Post by Konstantin Shegunov
I'm struggling to get an SSL connection established between a server and
a client of mine using a self-signed certificate. The SSL handshake
1) I generated a key and certificate.
3) I call QSslSocket::startServerEncryption to get the handshake rolling.
1) I used the server's certificate and loaded it (verified it loads
2) I set it to the socket with QSslSocket::addCaCertificate.
3) I call QSslSocket::startClientEncryption.
The problem is the client drops the connection with
QAbstractSocket::SslHandshakeFailedError, however I get nothing from the
QSslSocket::sslErrors signal (also nada from the method).
I observed, however, that the client socket raises the
QSslSocket::preSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired for some reason. As I
don't really handle this one (only debug output) I imagine this is the
reason the handshake fails. Nonetheless, I thought a PSK authentication
shouldn't be required whenever I provide a key and a certificate
Any ideas why is this failing and how to solve it?
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards.
Interest mailing list
Konstantin Shegunov
2018-11-22 18:52:32 UTC
Post by MÃ¥rten Nordheim
Does it work if you call setProtocol(QSsl::TlsV1_2) on the client
socket/configuration before connecting?
No, same error. I'm not 100% the problem is strictly the client because if
I run
$> openssl s_client -connect -tls1_2

I get the following:

no peer certificate available
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 0 bytes and written 206 bytes
Verification: OK
New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
Protocol : TLSv1.2
Cipher : 0000
PSK identity: None
PSK identity hint: None
SRP username: None
Start Time: 1542911999
Timeout : 7200 (sec)
Verify return code: 0 (ok)
Extended master secret: no

While at the server side debug output I read:

QAbstractSocket::SocketError(13) : Encrypting the connection failed

The PSK emission you see sounds like OpenSSL 1.1.1 with TLS 1.3, but I
Post by MÃ¥rten Nordheim
don't think it should fail the handshake, or at least don't remember
seeing it do that.
Indeed, the loaded library is openssl v1.1.1 from
Setting TLS 1.2 also emits preSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired, though.
Konstantin Shegunov
2018-11-23 07:15:45 UTC
Post by Konstantin Shegunov
No, same error. I'm not 100% the problem is strictly the client
It turned out it isn't. The server didn't manifest the certificate at all
due to an error on my part - I gave it the wrong file path.
To add insult to injury QSslSocket::setLocalCertificate silently succeeds
whatever path you give it; no return status, no debug warning, no ssl
error, no nothing.

Still, thank you MÃ¥rten for the comment, I appreciate it nonetheless.