There is some code in the QMultimedia source that does convert from YUV to
RGB while rendering to the screen, I'd recommend you take a look there for
inspiration. I think it's the qsgvideonode_yuv.cpp file.
I've done similar things (I do rgb->yuv instead). Basically you upload your
YUV image to textures (use one for Y, another 1 or 2 for UV, depending on
the YUV format used). Render a textured quad to an FBO with an RGB texture,
using a shader that converts YUV to RGB. Read that FBO texture back to CPU
memory either with glReadPixels directly (slow!) or using pixel buffer
objects (PBO, much more efficient). With regards to performance, in my
experience on iMX6 (embedded linux, eglfs), a 720p stream will run at 1-2Hz
using glReadPixels, and at least 30Hz using glReadPixels on PBOs.
Things you need to read up on: OpenGL "render to texture", framebuffer
objects (FBO), pixel buffer objects (PBO), shaders. You can use Qt OpenGL
classes (such as QOpenGLContext, QOpenGLFramebufferObject and
QOpenGLShaderProgram) for pretty much everything except the PBOs, there you
need the native OpenGL API.
I would be very interested in such a solution as well, but I don't know
anything about "fragment shaders". If you know of any resources, I'm all
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 07, 2018 at 11:46 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Interest] Screen Capture as format YUV
That would also be horribly slow for large frames. I'd suggest using a
fragment shader to perform the conversion then glReadPixels to get it back
to the CPU (or even better pass the texture id to gstreamer if it can work
with them and avoid the round trip).
No. Video formats are not supported for paint operations. You'll have to
You can use a Runnable and do it on another core, though that adds
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 07, 2018 at 4:25 AM
*Subject:* [Interest] Screen Capture as format YUV
Hi everyone,
I have a project related to image processing on QT and GStream. I have
created a program with QWidget, and I got a screenshot of this program with
QPixmap. However, I need to convert these frames into a YUV format and
send them to GStream because I am going to merge these frames another video
frames with GStream.
Is there any way I can get QWidget frames in YUV format? Without
conversion. I am working on QT 5.5. Any advice ?
Emre Cetin
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