[Interest] Qt strategy WRT OpenGL support on OSX moving forward
2018-12-11 05:06:22 UTC
Hi there,

Apologies if this has been asked recently – I have not been tracking the mailing list recently but could not find a comprehensive response anywhere else. Apple have deprecated OpenGL from OSX 10.14 (Mojave), presumably in an attempt to move developers onto their Metal platform. What is Qt’s strategy for this moving forward? Is there a plan to move away from offering OpenGL functionality in the Qt API since it will no longer be available across all platforms? Or is there an intention to provide an OpenGL (or Vulkan) implementation built on Metal?

Thanks – once again apologies if this has already recently been covered.


Lachlan Hetherton
Senior Software Engineer | Workspace
CSIRO | Data61
E ***@data61.csiro.au T +61 3 9545 8041
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